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Procurement Perspectives: Leadership in procurement is vital to organizations

Stephen Bauld
Procurement Perspectives: Leadership in procurement is vital to organizations

The pandemic looks like it is entering the next phase.

We could be looking at a long time before we get back to the new normal and leadership in procurement will help shape the wellbeing of organizations moving forward.

The argument that organizations need to begin now to train their next generation of leaders is not intended to suggest that a program of study will produce leaders that are great.

Although it can be stated with some confidence that systematic study of leadership will produce leaders who are better than they would be without it, great leadership is a very difficult thing.

I have always said that great leaders are few and far between.

In my opinion, for a leader to achieve greatness, he or she must not only possess strong leadership qualities, but those qualities must be ideally suited to the time, place and other circumstances in which one assumes leadership.

For example, during a pandemic, leadership skills could be considerably different from previous years when our lives were relatively normal.

I would also say individuals must also enjoy more than one’s fair share of luck: for as a general rule, leaders have the opportunity for greatness only during moments of great opportunity or necessity, like now for instance.

There is good reason why most of the great leaders of history believe in their own destiny.

The occurrence of a calamity often opens the door to radical change. This opportunity allows the leader at the time to exert an influence on the organization, and frequently its environment as well, that would not be possible during times of stability.

Procurement, as an example, can play a crucial role during these unique and bazaar times we currently live in.

It may well be that in such circumstances only a person of exceptional ability could turn the situation around to the advantage of the organization. However, it is equally true that only in such circumstances would any individual have the opportunity to exert the degree of influence necessary to stand out as great.

When it comes to purchasing, and many other core competencies that would be required to run a business, my feeling is that COVID-19 will interrupt the status quo and could cause irreparable damage to future career paths.

The looming problem of a leadership gap threatens to degrade the corporate landscape over a sustained period.

In most western nations, the number of people between 25 and 44 years of age, the age during which leaders typically begin to mature and emerge, is falling and will continue to fall for at least a decade-and-a-half.

As this pool of workers continues to shrink, technological development and increased specialization are making it more difficult to nurture potential leaders who can be identified.

Like all aspects of human behaviour, leadership skills vary significantly from one individual to another.

Examples of leadership abound.

Since sports invariably involves competitive contests carried out in accordance with defined rules over periods of time, the sports world provides us with some of the clearest illustrations of effective, and ineffective, leadership.

The question of whether there are natural born leaders is fundamentally the same as the question of whether there are natural born athletes.

There is no doubt that a handful of athletes in each sport seem to excel far beyond the level of attainment that can be achieved by most athletes in a given sport, no matter how much they can train or practice.

The study of leadership is essentially the skills that will make anyone better at their job. The skills required by a leader will vary depending on the type of organization of which he or she is in command, its circumstances and objectives that have been set for it.


Stephen Bauld is a government procurement expert and can be reached at Some of his columns may contain excerpts from The Municipal Procurement Handbook published by Butterworths.

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