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Pre-Bid Projects

Pre-Bid Projects

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$72M gondola project up in air

A proposal to run an aerial gondola across the Detroit River to Windsor, Ont., is in doubt as the firm behind the project has threatened to quit.


A proposal to run an aerial gondola across the Detroit River to Windsor, Ont., is in doubt as the firm behind the project has threatened to quit.

Niels Jorgensen, the president of Skylink International, said he will withdraw his offer to build the tramway unless Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick signs a final agreement by June 30.

“We’ve been three, four years, deceived and lied to . . . it’s insane,’’ he told the Detroit Free Press.

But the odds of getting a deal by that deadline appear slim.

George Jackson, president of the Detroit Economic Growth Corp. and a key aide to the mayor, said the city soured on Skyline’s plans several months ago for a variety of reasons.

Skylink’s Freedom Gondola would entail a 1,219-metre system spanning the river with a capacity of 4,000 people per hour. The cost is estimated at $72 million (U.S.).

Land on the riverfront of both downtowns would be required.

The Associated Press

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